Primitive Reflexes

What are primitive reflexes?

Primitive reflexes are stereotypical movement patterns that are triggered by a sensory stimulus and result in a motor response. These reflexes serve two purposes; safety and survival, and development. Not only do these reflexes allow the baby to thrive out of the womb; but, as the sensory and motor connections strengthen, the child is then able to use those connections to develop higher levels of motor function, cognition, and emotional well-being.

OT at Vision-n-Motion Occupational Therapy uses these reflex patterns within play, intentionally strengthening those connections, to support the development of skills that are important to the child and family.

What happens when these reflexes do not mature?

  • Delayed milestone achievement

  • Poor posture

  • Poor balance

  • Incoordination/clumsiness

  • Difficulty sustaining attention

  • Sensory processing challenges

  • Poor development of functional vision skills